eBooks For Life

An ecologically responsible way to acquire knowledge is of course through eBooks. ORGACORP purchases the publishing rights of books and works together with publishers in order to offer them to you at raisor sharp prices. The eBooks we offer here all focus on a healthier or more responsible lifestyle.


All books are written in English, unless otherwise mentioned.


Wil jij ook voorgoed afrekenen met overtollig buikvet? Dan is dit hét boek dat je moet hebben voor jezelf, of om cadeau te doen aan je vriend(in) die hiermee worstelt. Geschreven door Oscar Helm, MSc, voedingsdeskundige en orthomoleculair therapeut.


Hij heeft een unieke methode ontwikkeld waarmee je blijvend en veel sneller buikvet verbrandt en ook het jojo effect elimineert. Geen wekenlang eentonig dieet, maar 140 heerlijke recepten die makkelijk zijn te bereiden.


Ontdek hier alle geheimen van zijn aanpak, de geweldige resultaten en wat Nicolette van Dam over dit bijzondere boek zegt! 


Schrijver: Oscar Helm
E-boek versie: € 27,00
E-boek + hardcover: € 37,00


Organic products are products that are derived from all-natural ingredients and have undergone minimal changes before reaching your face.


In this book, you'll learn more about what it means to strive for "organic beauty" and how it can change the way you think about your appearance and grooming.

€ 9,95

  • Available


Every year there are more people who want to replace the amount of meat they eat with healthy meat substitutes in their diet.


With rising meat prices and the knowledge that eating less meat is also good for your health and our environment, more and more people are regularly opting for meat substitutes.


In this eBook you will learn about the top ten meat substitutes and important additional nutritional information.

€ 9,95

  • Available


That uncomfortable feeling after discovering the first gray hairs on your head. Or the stiffness and creaking sounds of the body or suddenly waking up several times a night. These are well-known signs of aging.


Aging is an irreversible process, but for many people it can remain invisible for quite some time. Those who succeed also have more time to accept and appreciate the good aspects of growing older.


With this eBook you will learn how to delay that process naturally, without endangering your health.

€ 9,95

  • Available


In this special eBook you will learn about the best household plants that purify the air you breathe and how to care for them.


You'll also learn which toxins are most likely to be absorbed by each specific plant, so you can better understand how each variety goes to work to help purify the air.


If you follow the directions in this guide and put some work into caring for these plants, you will have a beautiful, green home with superior air quality.

€ 9,95

  • Available


Discover the simple step-by-step plan to get more out of your life with less stuff!


You too can organize your life to live a life of zen and happiness! By adopting a more minimal lifestyle, you can create more space for yourself, own more attractive items, and get more enjoyment out of the things you already have.


Believe it or not, you already have the tools to create a home setup that will amaze and delight your friends and family.

€ 9,95

  • Available


When you've got to much stress on your mind, it is highly recommended to find a way to reduce stress and control other psychological problems as well.


Mindfulness is one of the best ways to help manage stress and other factors associated with chaos in life. Practicing mindfulness can be difficult if you've never done it before.


With this eBook you will easily learn how to relax and improve your body, mind and soul through mindfulness.

€ 9,95

  • Available